Hello blog world...
I seem to have tons of thoughts flowing through me at the moment and the best way I can get them out is to write! Hopefully you don't mind some light reading ;)
A few occasions throughout this blog you have seen me mention the fact that many autoimmune diseases as well as fungal infections such as Candida is triggered and manifested and can actually grow to an uncontrollable level because of the repressed emotions our body clings too. This will not be the last time I talk about this either!
Metaphysical or spiritual causes of candida may include relationship issues, fear of authority figures (mom and dad), doing too much for other people, frustration, anger, energies feeling scattered, confusion, feelings as if we are not worth it, feeling as if other people are more important than you and more. Even if we follow the "diet" to the T, if we don't do the hard, digging deeper, gritty, emotional work...we will continue to live with the autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalances and candida imbalance in our body. We have to get to the root cause to solve the issues for good.
Some of us have deep rooted fears from childhood that we have pushed deep down and we continue to tell ourselves that "it's OK"...and we are "alright" without ever revisiting the situation and releasing those emotions. Putting up with the disease in your body is almost like a defense mechanism. Your body will attack itself with things like candida, MS, diabetes, thyroid disease, asthma, allergies, arthritis, and more. It's a pattern of feeling hopeless, helpless, powerless and it's a pattern we continue to repeat. These emotions get stuck in the body and diseases spiral out of control.
I'm not sure about you but I was a particularly sensitive child. I picked up on things like adults fighting around me, I tried to get into the middle to alleviate those arguments but I would then take on some of the aggression and nasty feelings stemming from those arguments. I held onto the negative things adults would say to me, and I would let bullies walk all over me. I grew up in an unhealthy competitive environment that was a breeding ground for negatively attacking my physical body and how it looked and I developed an unhealthy relationship to food and self medicated with it and developed a nasty chronic binge eating disorder. Followed by restriction. This continued into adulthood and I guess I didn't recognize (or I didn't want to recognize) the nasty cycle I was in. It spread into all aspects of my life including my romantic relationships and friendships and also played a role in poor decision making throughout my late teens and early twenties.
The Candida symptoms worsened into my late twenties. From athletes foot, to water blisters that would burst and crack into painful red swells on my hands, dry brittle hair, recurring yeast infections, mild depression and a desire to want to hide away because all of the nasty symptoms coming out of every pore for the world to see. I was physically and emotionally in pain and it made for quite the unhealthy mix.
Now I am working on all these things I mentioned above. I have gotten the binge eating undercontrol and no longer have the desire for it. I am hoping to tackle the candida and hidden baggage head on. I am still quite sensitive discovering that I am infact an empath...however I am learning healthy coping mechanisms to let that energy flow right through me rather than holding on to it or turning to food.
Blogging helps as well as keeping a journal about past and present feelings as well as meditation. I am determined to solve this at the root and hopefully you will come along for the ride!
Until Next time!
XO Jocelyn
Intuitively Healing
Recovering Binge/disordered eater sharing my healing journey with candida and autoimmune, 100 pound weight loss and basically just my life through writing. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” www.intuitivelyhealing.com
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Monday, February 18, 2019
Il Dolce Far Niente
Hello friends!
I have been taking a little time off from sharing my eats lately. I have felt a pull to share more writing, more thoughts, more life experience if you will. I feel like our emotional experience here on Earth is just as important as what we eat and what we do on a daily basis. Of course, it is all connected.
Hope you are all doing well on this delightfully sunny day. You know if I'm on here then that means I've been thinking and thinking leads to me sharing with you (lucky ducks) so, if you would be so inclined to sit back and read a little of my thoughts!
I must preface this with the fact that I had entitled this blog post "balance" because it is...all about balance and imbalance - however I changed the title to reflect what my personal balance is all about and how I arrived there.
I believe that so many by products of our modern world has lead to so much toxicity and disease in our body like all of the new fad diets, modern medicine(ignoring herbs our ancestors used), lack of sleep, work stress and the fact that society likes to worship busyness. All of these things together create an unhealthy imbalance in our life.
Think of our life like a spider web - each web leads to different aspects of our life and things we devote our time too; family time, friendships, work obligations, groceries, meal prep and cooking, house maintenance, get togethers, physical activity, SLEEP (so important), taking care of our furry friends, hobbies and more. If we overload this web with too much of something or too much of it all - it creates an imbalance thus breaking the web (our body) and it all comes crashing down leading to disease, physical and emotional ailments, lack of money and resources, stress, anxiety and more. We become burnt out, fragile, distant and sick of it all.
For me I had to learn the hard way about balance and imbalance and from a young age too. Although I'm thankful I went through it all and it has taken quite some time to figure out what a good balance is for me and my body/lifestyle and how to unravel from being stuck in an imbalanced body and life. I will say this, it's trial and error and it's different for everybody. Sometimes we think we can do it all, handle it all, want it all but we quickly realize that, that could not be further from the truth.
When I was younger I thought I wanted to be a professional dancer. I spent at least 3-4 mornings per week in high school at the studio before classes. I spent every free evening as well as most of the day Saturday at the studio. Sometimes I even spent Sundays there if it was competition season. Don't get me wrong though, I LOVED dancing, I loved being on the stage, I loved the makeup, sparkly costumes and spending time with my dance friends and I created some amazing memories however the older I got and the more I thought about the fact that I didn't even realize what I was missing out on, the more I grew distant of it all.
I started to resent dance. And I hated feeling that way. Not to mention I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition very young and became easily burnt out. I wanted to know that I could be good at more than just dance. I wanted to try new things. Most of all I just wanted to be STILL for a second. I wanted to eat my meals at a table - not in the car on my way to dance. I wanted to hang out after school with friends, I wanted to catch my favorite TV shows, I wanted to spend some time outside. I wanted to go to bed early and not be sore all over from 6 hours of dance class the next morning. I was a high school student who wanted to "play" outside. I missed most of my youth with hours logged in the studio. I wanted to enjoy my favorite foods without guilt of gaining weight or fear of not fitting into certain costumes. I wanted to NOT be an emotional mess all of the time. I wanted to experience the simple things that every young person should. I just wanted to be happy and carefree. I wanted to be healthy. Reality was, I was a burnt out teenager and it all manifested through autoimmune issues. I could likely add adrenal fatigue to that list as my cortisol levels were all over the place due to high stress and yo yo dieting.
Maybe I went about it the wrong way as I was young and hormonal and kind of mixed up if I'm honest. I could NOT function the way I had been living anymore and I remember the moment I quit - it was a shock to my parents and dance family - and quite understandable that it upset the people who meant the most to me but I remember in that moment despite all the hurt I had caused others I felt like a free bird. And I decided at the young age of 16 to never get so busy again. To never say yes to things that I no longer wanted to do or participate in.
I started participating more at school - in field hockey and soccer, spent some time volunteering, experienced my first romance ok..maybe I had one or two romances lol hey it was high school after all, ate way too much junk food (ok, maybe went overboard with it) after starving myself for so long. I put my all into my grades and got into University. I traveled with friends and went to concerts. I experienced a bit of life. I actually did go back to dance but to a more relaxed environment. I danced twice per week in my favorite genre of dance, tap, and I even competed with that studio. It wasn't stressful though, it was just fun. I was doing it for myself. And it was all on my terms. I didn't feel busy and I wasn't doing things for the sake of doing them. I said yes on purpose to the things that made me feel good and felt comfortable enough to say no when it started feeling like too much or if it stopped being fun. Most importantly, I had down time to breathe.
And maybe people don't really get my philosophy on this topic but then again they didn't live my life and they have not walked in my footsteps. I think some might see it as lazy...but I don't feel that way at all. I am pretty steadfast in allowing nothing to create that imbalance that I felt back then into my life. I can feel my anxiety and stress creep up when things get too busy and too hectic in my life. And I will shut it down quite quickly. I know sometimes we go through hectic periods in life but overall I feel like we can control our environment and what we agree to participate in somewhat.
Society has us glorifying busy - so much so that we don't even know why we are busy. We aren't even being productive! And make no mistake busyness is not productivity. People act like it's cool...like it's a "thing" to keep busy. People please!!! STOP glorifying busy. And why do we do it? To mask the real issues we might be facing in our lives? Perhaps...there is always a root cause to our madness. Are we afraid to be alone with our thoughts? Afraid to disconnect? Afraid to be kicked out of our social circles? Afraid to be the black sheep? Afraid to realize how toxic our busy bodies have become? You tell me....
A few years ago when the book and movie eat,pray, love was released I resonated with it so deeply and took the catch phrase from that movie which I found perfectly summed up my philosophy on life...
"Il Dolce Far Niente" Italian for...the sweetness of doing nothing.
Now, Im not saying you need to take a trip to Italy, India and Bali to find yourself and realize what sort of balance you must create in your life to really appreciate it or to figure out whats important to you. But have you ever just took a moment to sit and really think about it? Are all of the things you try to cram into your day or feel necessary to say "yes" too really necessary? Do they improve your well being? Do they help you sleep at night? I'm going to guess - NO. Mostly not. When you feel busy is it stroking your ego? Probably, yes.
I had to get to the point of breakdown, physical and mental exhaustion to realize what a mess "busy" had created in my young life. My break down looked like thyroid disorder, adrenal fatigue and candida issues. This is what manifested in my body.
I have written about this a bit before and sorry to be a broken record but I truly believe that living your best life is an art form. It's going back to the basics, the way our grandparents lived. Sitting out on the porch watching your kids play...or in my case my fur baby. Feeding the birds. Admiring the flowers that have popped up over night. Being able to say no to unnecessary obligations and events without explanation. Cooking a meal for yourself using the best ingredients and sitting at a table to slowly eat it, alone with your thoughts. Reading the newspaper, walking to the library, checking out some books and getting lost in another world. It's being able to unwind from the hectic life that we have created for ourselves. It's about carving out downtime and making the most of it. Our body, mind and spirit deserve and demand it.
Do you glorify busy? Do you feel pushed into being busy? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
XO Jocelyn
I have been taking a little time off from sharing my eats lately. I have felt a pull to share more writing, more thoughts, more life experience if you will. I feel like our emotional experience here on Earth is just as important as what we eat and what we do on a daily basis. Of course, it is all connected.
Hope you are all doing well on this delightfully sunny day. You know if I'm on here then that means I've been thinking and thinking leads to me sharing with you (lucky ducks) so, if you would be so inclined to sit back and read a little of my thoughts!
I must preface this with the fact that I had entitled this blog post "balance" because it is...all about balance and imbalance - however I changed the title to reflect what my personal balance is all about and how I arrived there.
Think of our life like a spider web - each web leads to different aspects of our life and things we devote our time too; family time, friendships, work obligations, groceries, meal prep and cooking, house maintenance, get togethers, physical activity, SLEEP (so important), taking care of our furry friends, hobbies and more. If we overload this web with too much of something or too much of it all - it creates an imbalance thus breaking the web (our body) and it all comes crashing down leading to disease, physical and emotional ailments, lack of money and resources, stress, anxiety and more. We become burnt out, fragile, distant and sick of it all.
For me I had to learn the hard way about balance and imbalance and from a young age too. Although I'm thankful I went through it all and it has taken quite some time to figure out what a good balance is for me and my body/lifestyle and how to unravel from being stuck in an imbalanced body and life. I will say this, it's trial and error and it's different for everybody. Sometimes we think we can do it all, handle it all, want it all but we quickly realize that, that could not be further from the truth.
When I was younger I thought I wanted to be a professional dancer. I spent at least 3-4 mornings per week in high school at the studio before classes. I spent every free evening as well as most of the day Saturday at the studio. Sometimes I even spent Sundays there if it was competition season. Don't get me wrong though, I LOVED dancing, I loved being on the stage, I loved the makeup, sparkly costumes and spending time with my dance friends and I created some amazing memories however the older I got and the more I thought about the fact that I didn't even realize what I was missing out on, the more I grew distant of it all.
I started to resent dance. And I hated feeling that way. Not to mention I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition very young and became easily burnt out. I wanted to know that I could be good at more than just dance. I wanted to try new things. Most of all I just wanted to be STILL for a second. I wanted to eat my meals at a table - not in the car on my way to dance. I wanted to hang out after school with friends, I wanted to catch my favorite TV shows, I wanted to spend some time outside. I wanted to go to bed early and not be sore all over from 6 hours of dance class the next morning. I was a high school student who wanted to "play" outside. I missed most of my youth with hours logged in the studio. I wanted to enjoy my favorite foods without guilt of gaining weight or fear of not fitting into certain costumes. I wanted to NOT be an emotional mess all of the time. I wanted to experience the simple things that every young person should. I just wanted to be happy and carefree. I wanted to be healthy. Reality was, I was a burnt out teenager and it all manifested through autoimmune issues. I could likely add adrenal fatigue to that list as my cortisol levels were all over the place due to high stress and yo yo dieting.
Maybe I went about it the wrong way as I was young and hormonal and kind of mixed up if I'm honest. I could NOT function the way I had been living anymore and I remember the moment I quit - it was a shock to my parents and dance family - and quite understandable that it upset the people who meant the most to me but I remember in that moment despite all the hurt I had caused others I felt like a free bird. And I decided at the young age of 16 to never get so busy again. To never say yes to things that I no longer wanted to do or participate in.
I started participating more at school - in field hockey and soccer, spent some time volunteering, experienced my first romance ok..maybe I had one or two romances lol hey it was high school after all, ate way too much junk food (ok, maybe went overboard with it) after starving myself for so long. I put my all into my grades and got into University. I traveled with friends and went to concerts. I experienced a bit of life. I actually did go back to dance but to a more relaxed environment. I danced twice per week in my favorite genre of dance, tap, and I even competed with that studio. It wasn't stressful though, it was just fun. I was doing it for myself. And it was all on my terms. I didn't feel busy and I wasn't doing things for the sake of doing them. I said yes on purpose to the things that made me feel good and felt comfortable enough to say no when it started feeling like too much or if it stopped being fun. Most importantly, I had down time to breathe.
And maybe people don't really get my philosophy on this topic but then again they didn't live my life and they have not walked in my footsteps. I think some might see it as lazy...but I don't feel that way at all. I am pretty steadfast in allowing nothing to create that imbalance that I felt back then into my life. I can feel my anxiety and stress creep up when things get too busy and too hectic in my life. And I will shut it down quite quickly. I know sometimes we go through hectic periods in life but overall I feel like we can control our environment and what we agree to participate in somewhat.
Society has us glorifying busy - so much so that we don't even know why we are busy. We aren't even being productive! And make no mistake busyness is not productivity. People act like it's cool...like it's a "thing" to keep busy. People please!!! STOP glorifying busy. And why do we do it? To mask the real issues we might be facing in our lives? Perhaps...there is always a root cause to our madness. Are we afraid to be alone with our thoughts? Afraid to disconnect? Afraid to be kicked out of our social circles? Afraid to be the black sheep? Afraid to realize how toxic our busy bodies have become? You tell me....
A few years ago when the book and movie eat,pray, love was released I resonated with it so deeply and took the catch phrase from that movie which I found perfectly summed up my philosophy on life...
Now, Im not saying you need to take a trip to Italy, India and Bali to find yourself and realize what sort of balance you must create in your life to really appreciate it or to figure out whats important to you. But have you ever just took a moment to sit and really think about it? Are all of the things you try to cram into your day or feel necessary to say "yes" too really necessary? Do they improve your well being? Do they help you sleep at night? I'm going to guess - NO. Mostly not. When you feel busy is it stroking your ego? Probably, yes.
I had to get to the point of breakdown, physical and mental exhaustion to realize what a mess "busy" had created in my young life. My break down looked like thyroid disorder, adrenal fatigue and candida issues. This is what manifested in my body.
I have written about this a bit before and sorry to be a broken record but I truly believe that living your best life is an art form. It's going back to the basics, the way our grandparents lived. Sitting out on the porch watching your kids play...or in my case my fur baby. Feeding the birds. Admiring the flowers that have popped up over night. Being able to say no to unnecessary obligations and events without explanation. Cooking a meal for yourself using the best ingredients and sitting at a table to slowly eat it, alone with your thoughts. Reading the newspaper, walking to the library, checking out some books and getting lost in another world. It's being able to unwind from the hectic life that we have created for ourselves. It's about carving out downtime and making the most of it. Our body, mind and spirit deserve and demand it.
XO Jocelyn
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Spirituality and My Journey
Hello everyone!
It's a Winter Wonderland out there today. Hope you are all staying safe and warm.
I have decided to take a few days off of sharing foodie posts and share a little more thoughts and writing :) For today I want to share an article I wrote and is now in the February/March issue of Infinity Health magazine. You can find my particular article, "Rising Above The Chaos into Consciousness"; about my journey with disordered eating and dealing with candida and autoimmune here. This goes a little deeper into my spiritual journey and thoughts when dealing with something like binge eating and candida.
It's a Winter Wonderland out there today. Hope you are all staying safe and warm.
I have decided to take a few days off of sharing foodie posts and share a little more thoughts and writing :) For today I want to share an article I wrote and is now in the February/March issue of Infinity Health magazine. You can find my particular article, "Rising Above The Chaos into Consciousness"; about my journey with disordered eating and dealing with candida and autoimmune here. This goes a little deeper into my spiritual journey and thoughts when dealing with something like binge eating and candida.
Let me know your thoughts!
Monday, February 4, 2019
What Overcoming Disordered Eating Has given to me - New Lease on Life
To preface this you can read my first letter to Binge Eating Disorder here
Exactly like in the title - learning how to cope with and recover from BED/disordered eating, the process has lead me to a new lease on life. A new fresh take on life, if you will.
You might be reading this like - say what? Jocelyn...nothing good can come from living many of the best years of your life with any sort of eating disorders. You have every right to be bitter, angry, moody, mad at yourself, mad at the world, flinging blame everywhere. Uh...no. I beg to differ. Coming out of that mess and realizing my worth, realizing how amazing life can be, realizing that I have another chance at living my best life - is worth every ounce of pain and confusion. Realizing that FOOD is not the enemy, my body is not attacking itself, I don't need to be in weight loss mode 100 percent of the time no matter how big or small I am, it's ok to take a break. It's OK to have pizza for lunch and a big salad for dinner. It's OK to have a cheese burger one night and homemade soup the next. It's ok to practise gentle exercise like walking outside or yoga and still be able to reach healthy weight loss goals.
What over coming disordered eating has given/taught me
I haven't gone into great lengths about this but I have lived for many years of my life unknowingly with a bad candida overgrowth. I also was diagnosed borderline hypothyroid when I was 9/10 years old. I don't suppose much was known back then about thyroid health and diet but typically if you have thyroid issues you should avoid gluten, dairy, and greasy carbs. I grew up eating ALL of those things in mass quantities. I also didn't realize why I had all these freaky symptoms until i visited with a natural doctor and nutritionist. From the age of 17+ I would live with weird dry skin, cracks and rash all over my hands that even a dermatologist could not figure out what it was and would prescribe steroid creams that would make it worse, terrible UTI and yeast infections, thrush in the mouth, intense sugar cravings, brain fog, and just in general a feeling of pain all over the body. As a child growing up I was pumped full of antibiotics instead of being allowed to let my body fend off sickness and infections for myself. I had tons of antibiotics for constant ear infections and asthma. I was also put on birth control quite young to control PMS, hormonal acne and more as well as accutane for really bad cystic acne I had. All of these heavy medications clog up and damage a perfectly healthy functioning liver which then creates havoc in the body. Add on top of it a binge eater who can't get enough sugar...it was the perfect storm for bad candida infection. Since then I have really looked into the affects of these mainstream medications and I only ever take antibiotics now when ABSOLUTELY necessary (aka last year when I had strep throat for a month) I urge you, if possible, really take a look at the medications you and your children take. Go the most natural route whenever possible. I have tons of natural herbal remedy books and subscribe to podcasts whenever possible to learn more.
Learning to appreciate and to cook food at home
This is pretty self explanatory. I fell into the trap of eating out, boxed, greasy, sugar laden foods a great deal of the time. Somewhere along the way I forgot what my grandmothers taught me - the importance of decent home cooked food. Food that you create at home with real, honest ingredients and that you know everything that is put in that dish. We still eat out from time to time - but nothing like I did before. Especially in my college and university years - I wasted so much money and time eating fast food just because I thought it was easier. AKA I was lazy and uninformed. I think so many health issues could be solved by people cooking and eating their meals at home. I do strive for this although we still do eat out from time to time ( hello McDonalds breakfast or Superbowl pizza) like I said..I am human, not perfect...
Check out this Ted Talk video below on this topic. I wasn't raised this way. But I am learning now as an adult.
Appreciating the Experience of meals
As mentioned above - for a great deal of my life I was always on the go. Always eating the next meal as I got to school, after school on the way to dance or after dance on the way home because it would be too late to eat once I got home. I'm not placing blame on anyone - it's no ones fault. Looking back it is what it is. Many families with active children in various programs do the same thing today and it will continue to be that way. When I was in university and college it became the norm to eat in my bedroom (even worse on the bed), at wacky hours due to studying, or just picking up fast food to go. It is quite typical in North America. It's not so typical across Europe. Did you know that in areas of France they are given a few hours off at lunch to cook and eat meals at home with family or friends? True, they eat lots of things like bread, meat and cheese but it's all quality, home grown and cooked and served fresh and in small amounts. They also enjoy it at the table, savouring it over a few hours while conversation is enjoyed. The company and ambiance (nice dishes, nice table wear, location) is just as important as the meal served. The meal isn't rushed or long forgotten afterwards. I think that's something that we North Americans typically miss the mark on. We are too busy, too much in a rush to make meal time important. I really enjoy sitting down in the evenings to enjoy dinner and conversation with my husband
Intuitively Eating and Healing
I think one of the most important things to come out of this whole mess was the ability to see and feel the importance of intuitive eating. Not subscribing to one more fad, trend or diet. To really understand and feel what my body is needing or wanting and knowing the difference! To learn what hunger feels like. Sometimes my body wants dessert - that's OK - as long as I'm still filling it with what it needs. I might go through a period where I eat less carbs, less gluten , less sugar - it's OK - it's not a diet, just a choice for that specific time and day. Nothing needs to be so restrictive and strict. It makes food, cooking, meal time full of misery. I mentioned to a friend the other day that food had become so overwhelming to me and I really just lost my love of good food, cooking it, eating it and serving it as well. I've learned the importance of enjoying a good detox and what it can give to the body to get it functioning properly again (detoxing the liver especially) I've learned the importance of meditation, slowing down and really feeling into what my body is needing on any given time or day. This is so important and profound to me that I named my website after it ;) Our body loves us. Our body is amazing. Our body is not attacking itself (my doctor would tell me this at 9 years old) due to the hypo thyroid diagnosis. But this could not be further from the truth. I refuse to beat myself up over what my next meal is going to be. I am not perfect. I am human.
Expressing myself creatively - finding new hobbies
When you are working on intuitively healing your body and your life - it's a good idea to find hobbies and ways to express yourself as an outlet and fuel to keep yourself going through the process as it can be hard and uncomfortable. This can be anything from gym classes, gardening, joining local clubs etc. I personally found for me that writing everything down from stories and experiences of my past to even keeping the food journal online really helped me to continue on this path. Sharing with other people in hopes of finding some sort of common ground, sharing the pain and trauma but finding the rainbow together...finding others out there like me. That's what helps me. If sharing my stories can help one person then that is worth it to me. There is many things that I would like to learn and do and it's never too late.
I have shared a little bit about what I like to call my spiritual awakening. Although I have always had this "spiritual" side to me - I believe the start of my spiritual awakening really helped me figure out my purpose in life and ultimately helped me figure out how I would go about healing myself. I couldn't NOT heal myself. I could no longer remain stagnant. The people I have come into contact with along this journey and resources they have shared with me since "the awakening" have helped me to learn how important things like shadow work is and how important consciousness is to the healing process of body, mind and spirit. This process is about so much more than just losing weight. I will be touching more on this as time goes on. It's an integral part to my puzzle and I think could help many people out there along the way too.
Breaking The Patterns
I do talk a lot about my past this is true...but it helps when i put it down on paper or type it out. It helps me let it go. I realize how skewed my view of food had gotten and if I ever have kids I never want them to have that attitude towards food and life. Food is just food, there is no good food or bad food, kids shouldn't be dieting, we should enjoy meals at the table and learn to cook good simple food. If we follow simple concepts such as these...obesity wouldn't become such an issue as we try to become healthy, functioning adults. Learn to love your body TODAY. Learn to love getting outside for a walk and releasing yourself from what the end result might look like (# of pounds lost) Release yourself from counting points or calories. For many years I was stuck in a binge/starve/diet/over exercising cycle. And it didn't do my body good. It didn't do ANYTHING good for me. In fact, progress slowed down for me. The harder I worked the less things happened for me.
It's time to slow down, my friends. Take it moment by moment and start enjoying your life now.
It took me over 15 years to get here...this is just what I have learned from much reflection. Do you have anything to add? Drop a line below :)
Exactly like in the title - learning how to cope with and recover from BED/disordered eating, the process has lead me to a new lease on life. A new fresh take on life, if you will.
You might be reading this like - say what? Jocelyn...nothing good can come from living many of the best years of your life with any sort of eating disorders. You have every right to be bitter, angry, moody, mad at yourself, mad at the world, flinging blame everywhere. Uh...no. I beg to differ. Coming out of that mess and realizing my worth, realizing how amazing life can be, realizing that I have another chance at living my best life - is worth every ounce of pain and confusion. Realizing that FOOD is not the enemy, my body is not attacking itself, I don't need to be in weight loss mode 100 percent of the time no matter how big or small I am, it's ok to take a break. It's OK to have pizza for lunch and a big salad for dinner. It's OK to have a cheese burger one night and homemade soup the next. It's ok to practise gentle exercise like walking outside or yoga and still be able to reach healthy weight loss goals.
What over coming disordered eating has given/taught me
- The ability to slow down - patience
- The brains to question, research and study everything
- Appreciating real, home cooked food
- Appreciating the "experience" of meals
- Ability to trust my guts - intuitively eating and healing
- Expressing myself creatively
- Spirituality
- Realizing what I do and don't want to do ever again -patterns repeating themselves
Let me go through these one by one.
The ability to slow down - patience
For many years of my life I was on the yo-yo dieting train. I think my first diet was when I was 8 years old. Shocking and sad all at once but not really out of the norm these days. I bounced around (even until recently) trying all sorts of fad diets. I never learned how to be patient with myself. The weight didn't pile on over night and it definitely won't come off over night. I had to learn that the best thing for me and my system would just be eating and cooking clean, real, simple foods and partaking in gentle exercise like walking or yoga. I aim to mostly cook at home - we try our best for that unfortunately it doesn't always happen the way we would like it. But we are trying. I also try not to beat myself up for eating out or getting take out on occasion. I was a very busy "on the go child" Very heavily involved in the world of dance and competitive dance. Meals would be eaten on the go in the car to the next lesson and again I was always putting undue stress on my body from a young age to fit the typical dancer mold - to be thin and athletic. I was always the chunky child. I never really fit the mold and sadly didn't have the best support to realize it was OK that I didn't fit that typical ballerina profile. Taking time to sit at the table and enjoy my food or go for a stroll and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature and to learn how to really stop and meditate...these are all things that have really helped me intuitively heal myself.
Question everything, Research everything, study everything
I haven't gone into great lengths about this but I have lived for many years of my life unknowingly with a bad candida overgrowth. I also was diagnosed borderline hypothyroid when I was 9/10 years old. I don't suppose much was known back then about thyroid health and diet but typically if you have thyroid issues you should avoid gluten, dairy, and greasy carbs. I grew up eating ALL of those things in mass quantities. I also didn't realize why I had all these freaky symptoms until i visited with a natural doctor and nutritionist. From the age of 17+ I would live with weird dry skin, cracks and rash all over my hands that even a dermatologist could not figure out what it was and would prescribe steroid creams that would make it worse, terrible UTI and yeast infections, thrush in the mouth, intense sugar cravings, brain fog, and just in general a feeling of pain all over the body. As a child growing up I was pumped full of antibiotics instead of being allowed to let my body fend off sickness and infections for myself. I had tons of antibiotics for constant ear infections and asthma. I was also put on birth control quite young to control PMS, hormonal acne and more as well as accutane for really bad cystic acne I had. All of these heavy medications clog up and damage a perfectly healthy functioning liver which then creates havoc in the body. Add on top of it a binge eater who can't get enough sugar...it was the perfect storm for bad candida infection. Since then I have really looked into the affects of these mainstream medications and I only ever take antibiotics now when ABSOLUTELY necessary (aka last year when I had strep throat for a month) I urge you, if possible, really take a look at the medications you and your children take. Go the most natural route whenever possible. I have tons of natural herbal remedy books and subscribe to podcasts whenever possible to learn more.
Learning to appreciate and to cook food at home
This is pretty self explanatory. I fell into the trap of eating out, boxed, greasy, sugar laden foods a great deal of the time. Somewhere along the way I forgot what my grandmothers taught me - the importance of decent home cooked food. Food that you create at home with real, honest ingredients and that you know everything that is put in that dish. We still eat out from time to time - but nothing like I did before. Especially in my college and university years - I wasted so much money and time eating fast food just because I thought it was easier. AKA I was lazy and uninformed. I think so many health issues could be solved by people cooking and eating their meals at home. I do strive for this although we still do eat out from time to time ( hello McDonalds breakfast or Superbowl pizza) like I said..I am human, not perfect...
Check out this Ted Talk video below on this topic. I wasn't raised this way. But I am learning now as an adult.
Appreciating the Experience of meals
As mentioned above - for a great deal of my life I was always on the go. Always eating the next meal as I got to school, after school on the way to dance or after dance on the way home because it would be too late to eat once I got home. I'm not placing blame on anyone - it's no ones fault. Looking back it is what it is. Many families with active children in various programs do the same thing today and it will continue to be that way. When I was in university and college it became the norm to eat in my bedroom (even worse on the bed), at wacky hours due to studying, or just picking up fast food to go. It is quite typical in North America. It's not so typical across Europe. Did you know that in areas of France they are given a few hours off at lunch to cook and eat meals at home with family or friends? True, they eat lots of things like bread, meat and cheese but it's all quality, home grown and cooked and served fresh and in small amounts. They also enjoy it at the table, savouring it over a few hours while conversation is enjoyed. The company and ambiance (nice dishes, nice table wear, location) is just as important as the meal served. The meal isn't rushed or long forgotten afterwards. I think that's something that we North Americans typically miss the mark on. We are too busy, too much in a rush to make meal time important. I really enjoy sitting down in the evenings to enjoy dinner and conversation with my husband
Intuitively Eating and Healing
I think one of the most important things to come out of this whole mess was the ability to see and feel the importance of intuitive eating. Not subscribing to one more fad, trend or diet. To really understand and feel what my body is needing or wanting and knowing the difference! To learn what hunger feels like. Sometimes my body wants dessert - that's OK - as long as I'm still filling it with what it needs. I might go through a period where I eat less carbs, less gluten , less sugar - it's OK - it's not a diet, just a choice for that specific time and day. Nothing needs to be so restrictive and strict. It makes food, cooking, meal time full of misery. I mentioned to a friend the other day that food had become so overwhelming to me and I really just lost my love of good food, cooking it, eating it and serving it as well. I've learned the importance of enjoying a good detox and what it can give to the body to get it functioning properly again (detoxing the liver especially) I've learned the importance of meditation, slowing down and really feeling into what my body is needing on any given time or day. This is so important and profound to me that I named my website after it ;) Our body loves us. Our body is amazing. Our body is not attacking itself (my doctor would tell me this at 9 years old) due to the hypo thyroid diagnosis. But this could not be further from the truth. I refuse to beat myself up over what my next meal is going to be. I am not perfect. I am human.
Expressing myself creatively - finding new hobbies
When you are working on intuitively healing your body and your life - it's a good idea to find hobbies and ways to express yourself as an outlet and fuel to keep yourself going through the process as it can be hard and uncomfortable. This can be anything from gym classes, gardening, joining local clubs etc. I personally found for me that writing everything down from stories and experiences of my past to even keeping the food journal online really helped me to continue on this path. Sharing with other people in hopes of finding some sort of common ground, sharing the pain and trauma but finding the rainbow together...finding others out there like me. That's what helps me. If sharing my stories can help one person then that is worth it to me. There is many things that I would like to learn and do and it's never too late.
I have shared a little bit about what I like to call my spiritual awakening. Although I have always had this "spiritual" side to me - I believe the start of my spiritual awakening really helped me figure out my purpose in life and ultimately helped me figure out how I would go about healing myself. I couldn't NOT heal myself. I could no longer remain stagnant. The people I have come into contact with along this journey and resources they have shared with me since "the awakening" have helped me to learn how important things like shadow work is and how important consciousness is to the healing process of body, mind and spirit. This process is about so much more than just losing weight. I will be touching more on this as time goes on. It's an integral part to my puzzle and I think could help many people out there along the way too.
Breaking The Patterns
I do talk a lot about my past this is true...but it helps when i put it down on paper or type it out. It helps me let it go. I realize how skewed my view of food had gotten and if I ever have kids I never want them to have that attitude towards food and life. Food is just food, there is no good food or bad food, kids shouldn't be dieting, we should enjoy meals at the table and learn to cook good simple food. If we follow simple concepts such as these...obesity wouldn't become such an issue as we try to become healthy, functioning adults. Learn to love your body TODAY. Learn to love getting outside for a walk and releasing yourself from what the end result might look like (# of pounds lost) Release yourself from counting points or calories. For many years I was stuck in a binge/starve/diet/over exercising cycle. And it didn't do my body good. It didn't do ANYTHING good for me. In fact, progress slowed down for me. The harder I worked the less things happened for me.
It's time to slow down, my friends. Take it moment by moment and start enjoying your life now.
It took me over 15 years to get here...this is just what I have learned from much reflection. Do you have anything to add? Drop a line below :)
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Dog Owner Life: Through the trenches
Good evening everyone!
Another day alive thank you Universe.
After getting Brent off to work and Lola fed plus taken out I had coffee...ya it's becoming a problem! What happened to my "only have coffees on weekend rule?" This is why I try not to make plans. Anyways I had two coffees and a bowl of cornflakes with almond milk and a bowl of fruit.
Before lunch I got Lola out for a walk. She was being calm on the leash so I made the decision to continue on and we went our 30 minute walk. It felt great. After over 2 weeks of sickness I am on the up and up. It also seems like Lola's hormones are balancing out as she wasn't as bad on the leash today. Still some pulling and wanting to jump and greet passerbys but as our vet said this week. In all honesty Lola is a typical chocolate lab albeit perhaps a touch more high strung than some, she is still in puppy mode. No matter how much training or how consistent, no matter which fancy collar you try to use, this is how she will be for a few more years. It's just a matter of going through the trenches with her 😬 If you don't have or never have had a lab, particularly a chocolate than you don't know!
We have been on a wild ride with this Chocolate Lab of ours. My best advice to a new lab owner would be: a tired lab is a happy and well behaved lab :)
After our walk and playing in the yard :) Don't worry...the nap didn't last long! Sneak lick attack!
Lunch consisted of 1.5 toasted turkey sandwich. Gluten free bread topped with turkey, tomato, cheese, mayo and lettuce.
Brent called on his way home from work. A buddy from work had KFC for lunch and Brent was craving it so he asked if it would be alright if he brought some home for dinner. Um...don't have to pull my arm sweetheart! Dinner ready for tonight and doubles for lunches tomorrow?? Sweet!
I had two pieces of chicken, some fries with gravy and coleslaw.
This reminded me of mother and fathers day growing up. We would go to my mom's parents house and we usually would get KFC as a treat. Every other holiday my grandma would cook a huge meal. But mothers and fathers day they took the day off ;)
We also had a slice of chocolate cake by McCain's also from KFC ...aka Canadian crack.
I have some different posts lined up for the week! Stay tuned.
Another day alive thank you Universe.
After getting Brent off to work and Lola fed plus taken out I had coffee...ya it's becoming a problem! What happened to my "only have coffees on weekend rule?" This is why I try not to make plans. Anyways I had two coffees and a bowl of cornflakes with almond milk and a bowl of fruit.
Before lunch I got Lola out for a walk. She was being calm on the leash so I made the decision to continue on and we went our 30 minute walk. It felt great. After over 2 weeks of sickness I am on the up and up. It also seems like Lola's hormones are balancing out as she wasn't as bad on the leash today. Still some pulling and wanting to jump and greet passerbys but as our vet said this week. In all honesty Lola is a typical chocolate lab albeit perhaps a touch more high strung than some, she is still in puppy mode. No matter how much training or how consistent, no matter which fancy collar you try to use, this is how she will be for a few more years. It's just a matter of going through the trenches with her 😬 If you don't have or never have had a lab, particularly a chocolate than you don't know!
We have been on a wild ride with this Chocolate Lab of ours. My best advice to a new lab owner would be: a tired lab is a happy and well behaved lab :)
After our walk and playing in the yard :) Don't worry...the nap didn't last long! Sneak lick attack!
Lunch consisted of 1.5 toasted turkey sandwich. Gluten free bread topped with turkey, tomato, cheese, mayo and lettuce.
Brent called on his way home from work. A buddy from work had KFC for lunch and Brent was craving it so he asked if it would be alright if he brought some home for dinner. Um...don't have to pull my arm sweetheart! Dinner ready for tonight and doubles for lunches tomorrow?? Sweet!
I had two pieces of chicken, some fries with gravy and coleslaw.
This reminded me of mother and fathers day growing up. We would go to my mom's parents house and we usually would get KFC as a treat. Every other holiday my grandma would cook a huge meal. But mothers and fathers day they took the day off ;)
We also had a slice of chocolate cake by McCain's also from KFC ...aka Canadian crack.
I have some different posts lined up for the week! Stay tuned.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Open Letter to Binge Eating Disorder: What you have taken from me
As much as I would like to think that this cruel disorder has not "taken" anything from me...that would be a lie...it would be me escaping from my previous reality. I also write this not to dig up the past but to explain to the world how messy things can get when you travel down the path of disordered eating. We hear so much about certain eating disorders but not so much about others. As someone in recovery it's important to share my story in hopes that it will reach people who need to read this or perhaps friends/family of people going through this.
This is my letter...this is part of my story.
Dear Binge Eating Disorder:
Lets start off as a child...you dug your claws in young and taught me from the start to fulfill myself with food in secret. You taught me to dislike eating in front of others which still, to this day makes social gatherings kind of awkward for me. You set me on the path of yo-yo dieting young. I would add an unnecessary amount of stress and pressure on my body which would lead to things like autoimmune, early PMS and anxiety. You taught me to self soothe with unhealthy food and an unhealthy amount of food rather than things like nature, friendship or exercise. You taught me to hate food even though I have now learned to love it. You taught me to be obsessed with my body, body fat, looks, clothing etc. I always felt the need to be put together in public. You made me spend many days in front of the mirror analyzing every roll. Many of my memories are consumed by you.
Next...you took away a great portion of my teens and most of my 20s. Every friendship, every relationship, almost every situation was governed by this nasty disorder. I grew very introverted and shied away from being outside in public. I would lay in bed and eat all day and night and nobody really knew how to help me because ...well there was never really that much information on it. Plus I was really good at concealing things except for the crazy amount of weight gain.
People just thought I was a fat, lazy slob. It got in the way of how I performed academically and socially. All I could think about was getting that next high off that next binge - like a drug addict on cocaine. I remember one instance where I went out for coffee with some friends in my university days...on the way home I picked up mcdonalds and ate that, I then ate dinner with my roomates and after that I ordered Swiss Chalet take in which was enough for 3 people to eat. I thought my roomates had all left but turned out that they came back early. I will never forget the confused and horrified look on their faces when they watched me run upstairs to my dingy little room with 4 bags of takeout. It wasn't their job to understand and probably past their realm of comprehension anyways. Another night passed out, sore, dehydrated, full of gas and heartburn - but also like a feeling of relief. I can never really describe it and you probably won't understand unless you have been through it. With that being said...lots of friendships crumbled and I don't blame them for distancing themselves from me at that point in time.
This disorder was developed over a really long time and progressed slowly but surely. It was the culmination of many things and I just wasn't able to cope or wade through the mud at that age and stage in my life and didn't really have many people to help me through. It's definitely an uncomfortable situation and many people would rather choose to ignore uncomfortable situations or pretend they don't exist. Some people just don't feel equipped to help. When I quit dance and had all of this new freedom I basically didn't really know how to handle it all. I went balls to the wall from crazy regimented routine to 100 percent freedom. Why this happened to me? I'm not quite sure but theres a lesson somewhere and here we are today. Many people don't ever get out of the binge eating cycle...so I'm greatful that I have managed too. I don't eat as healthy as I would like to but I'm taking babysteps there every day.
You took so much of my life. You broke my spirit. Took my innocence. Stomped on my passions. Buried my self confidence and put lasting damage on my liver, organs and immune system. You filled me with a candida overgrowth that I still sometimes struggle with today. You set my emotions on a rollercoaster of cruel lows yet sometimes life was good so I had to balance it all and conceal those emotions to myself - crying myself to sleep most nights. I don't write this for pity or for some strange satisfaction. But to give others hope that just because you have lived my story or are living my story...it won't define you. You can and will wade through the mud and dig yourself out. It might take 30 years but you will get there. If you are dealing with BED or any sort of eating disorders/struggles or know someone that might be...please reach out to them. Send me a message and I will lend a shoulder/ear/safe place.
This is my letter...this is part of my story.
Dear Binge Eating Disorder:
Lets start off as a child...you dug your claws in young and taught me from the start to fulfill myself with food in secret. You taught me to dislike eating in front of others which still, to this day makes social gatherings kind of awkward for me. You set me on the path of yo-yo dieting young. I would add an unnecessary amount of stress and pressure on my body which would lead to things like autoimmune, early PMS and anxiety. You taught me to self soothe with unhealthy food and an unhealthy amount of food rather than things like nature, friendship or exercise. You taught me to hate food even though I have now learned to love it. You taught me to be obsessed with my body, body fat, looks, clothing etc. I always felt the need to be put together in public. You made me spend many days in front of the mirror analyzing every roll. Many of my memories are consumed by you.
Next...you took away a great portion of my teens and most of my 20s. Every friendship, every relationship, almost every situation was governed by this nasty disorder. I grew very introverted and shied away from being outside in public. I would lay in bed and eat all day and night and nobody really knew how to help me because ...well there was never really that much information on it. Plus I was really good at concealing things except for the crazy amount of weight gain.
People just thought I was a fat, lazy slob. It got in the way of how I performed academically and socially. All I could think about was getting that next high off that next binge - like a drug addict on cocaine. I remember one instance where I went out for coffee with some friends in my university days...on the way home I picked up mcdonalds and ate that, I then ate dinner with my roomates and after that I ordered Swiss Chalet take in which was enough for 3 people to eat. I thought my roomates had all left but turned out that they came back early. I will never forget the confused and horrified look on their faces when they watched me run upstairs to my dingy little room with 4 bags of takeout. It wasn't their job to understand and probably past their realm of comprehension anyways. Another night passed out, sore, dehydrated, full of gas and heartburn - but also like a feeling of relief. I can never really describe it and you probably won't understand unless you have been through it. With that being said...lots of friendships crumbled and I don't blame them for distancing themselves from me at that point in time.
This disorder was developed over a really long time and progressed slowly but surely. It was the culmination of many things and I just wasn't able to cope or wade through the mud at that age and stage in my life and didn't really have many people to help me through. It's definitely an uncomfortable situation and many people would rather choose to ignore uncomfortable situations or pretend they don't exist. Some people just don't feel equipped to help. When I quit dance and had all of this new freedom I basically didn't really know how to handle it all. I went balls to the wall from crazy regimented routine to 100 percent freedom. Why this happened to me? I'm not quite sure but theres a lesson somewhere and here we are today. Many people don't ever get out of the binge eating cycle...so I'm greatful that I have managed too. I don't eat as healthy as I would like to but I'm taking babysteps there every day.
You took so much of my life. You broke my spirit. Took my innocence. Stomped on my passions. Buried my self confidence and put lasting damage on my liver, organs and immune system. You filled me with a candida overgrowth that I still sometimes struggle with today. You set my emotions on a rollercoaster of cruel lows yet sometimes life was good so I had to balance it all and conceal those emotions to myself - crying myself to sleep most nights. I don't write this for pity or for some strange satisfaction. But to give others hope that just because you have lived my story or are living my story...it won't define you. You can and will wade through the mud and dig yourself out. It might take 30 years but you will get there. If you are dealing with BED or any sort of eating disorders/struggles or know someone that might be...please reach out to them. Send me a message and I will lend a shoulder/ear/safe place.
Monday, January 7, 2019
Christmas is Over! What to expect in 2019...
This photo was taken after the last big Christmas/New Years meal ;) Food hungover!
Christmas is over and we are back to the routine in this household! Here's what you can look forward to in the next few months at Intuitively Healing;
Continue with my food and movement log
Add more fruits and veggies into the daily routine
More vegetarian recipes
Celery juice Monday-Friday mornings and results after a few months
Adding gentle yoga/movement to my walking/fitness routine
More writing and sharing about my past,present and future as a recovering binge eater
A bit more about my spiritual journey and beliefs
More photos of LOLA (lol)
Family life and friend posts
and so much more!
Thanks for sticking with me into 2019.
XOXO Jocelyn Marie
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