In the weeks leading up to the wedding last November I believe I started to go through a more intense spiritual awakening that I certainly was not expecting nor was I prepared for! I believe it has and will continue to contribute a great deal towards my physical, emotional and spiritual healing. It lead me to learning about what an empath was, that I was one, and that I soaked up my surroundings like a sponge.
I felt intense energy around me that was certainly not my own and Brent and I continued to see signs everywhere. From 11:11 (constantly…and I mean CONSTANTLY) To random deer running out in front of our truck immediately after I would say; “be careful for Animals Brent”….this doe jumped out in front of our truck and just stared at us for a minute. We both got goosebumps.
I would wake up every single night at the same time and just feel the energy. It lead me to getting some medium and intuitive readings done. I heard messages from grandparents (specific messages) whom have been gone from this earth for some time now. I really do believe my grandparents and angels have been and are constantly surrounding us and guiding us along this journey we call life, pushing us into things that are just meant to be and pushing us to be the best version of ourselves. It’s up to us to use our intuition (That first gut feeling we get) and be open enough to receive these messages!
I believe this awakening came into my life at the perfect time and has guided me onto my true life path which actually includes writing this very blog! I feel like my life has come full circle. I had a semi successful food blog back in 2009. I really enjoyed sharing my bites and about my weight loss journey. I found it very cathartic. Unfortunately I gave up on that blog not long after it started. Funnily enough, I had many mentors tell me that I should be writing. "Drop everything and write. Write as much as you can about whatever is in your head and heart. Just start!!" They really gave me some good direction. Direction which I had been lacking lately.
Now this is where it gets slightly interesting. Although I sort of knew that I've always been relatively different to those around me - shy, introverted, VERY emotional, very sensitive, very intuitive. I would pick up on feelings, certain ailments easily and tend to just KNOW things off the top of my head for no good reason.I experienced debilitating night terrors as a child and well into my teens. I didn't really understand why that was, though...until I had these readings and some amazing mentors really got to the heart of it and helped me to understand. "Like have some amazing spiritual abilities that if you tap into them could be really helpful to those around you" I don't live under a rock. I have heard of these abilities before and always wondered about how and/or why i seemed to know things without doing some research first. Basically I am a messenger of the truth you need to hear. The more I have pulled the truth out of myself and the more I heal myself...the better I can be of service to you all. What a trip, right!? Basically what it comes down to if you want to get all nifty with spiritual lingo: Claircognizance, clairaudence and automatic writing. I am also highly empathic. Although I don't really put myself into any category or box. These things are ever changing and evolving and I try to go with the flow of things as I learn, practice, serve and share.
That set me on a journey. This past year has been a journey of researching, reading, being mentored, learning, meditating, understanding, patience, frustration, bewilderment, sometimes a little scary! I wondered if others would think I'm crazy if I "came out" of the spiritual closet. Some might share laughs at my expense behind my back but that's a small price to pay for following my true life path and soul purpose. I am so thankful to have such a patience hubby! He deserves a trophy lol. I believe this spiritual path is definitely divinly guided and connected to my health journey as I will definitely be talking more on this subject here!
It’s OK if you think this is all kind of “woo woo” and I welcome your opinions.
I am into all sorts of spiritual activities/hobbies now….I love collecting different gemstones for energy work and I also have a cool collection of Angel/Oracle cards. I absolutely love the uplifting msgs and artwork that you can receive from them with the right intuitive reader!
I will touch more on my spiritual awakening later as it is every changing, ever growing, and I am still going through it! ” Flow and Grow” That’s the way I see it!
And if you haven’t jumped ship yet – than thanks for sticking with me on this crazy journey!
XO Jocelyn
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