Monday, December 3, 2018

Stop Asking Me...

I hate that I have to share this but I feel it's of great importance for me and all women. I shared this on my facebook profile yesterday with the following video by Oneika the Traveller. Couldn't have said it better myself! . We've been married a year now and I'm not a ripe 20 anymore.🤷‍♀️ ðŸ™„The questions have been coming including the disappointed looks, passive aggressive comments, suggestions and general expectations ðŸ˜‚ I hate being rude to people and avoid confrontation like the plague so mostly I make up a story each time someone asks me. It's a waste of time and super awkward.
I urge you to kindly stop asking people of any age...when they are going to have children. Also please stop assuming there's something wrong with me health wise since you know...its been a year and no baby. I've been taking care of myself for awhile now and think I'm doing a stand up job ðŸ‘Œ✌️I've been pretty open and honest about my pcos issues because I think it's something many women experience these days but again, I'm taking care of myself and I feel great. We feel great and looking forward to achieving some awesome goals together in 2019 that may or may not include babies. Don't get me wrong. I love your babies. And so happy to see your families expand or stay the way they are! All of that your choice ðŸ’– Yes... I have even been asked if I'm a baby hater ðŸ˜‚🙃
Either way it's our story to write, keep and/ or share together as husband and wife. That's two people if you were wondering 

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Repressed Emotions

Hello blog world... I seem to have tons of thoughts flowing through me at the moment and the best way I can get them out is to write! Hope...

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