Friday, December 21, 2018

7 Ways to Incorperate Gentleness this Holiday Season

7 Ways to Incorporate Gentleness this Holiday Season

The holiday season is generally a busy and stressful time for most people no matter what you celebrate. We rush from place to place, go into debt wanting to spoil loved ones, invade our good gut bacteria with a ton of sugar and processed foods, worry about family get togethers and in general run out of time to fit in everything we want to do and feel bad because of it. We are left feeling run down, stressed, anxious, dealing with anything from digestion issues to insomnia. As a newly discovered empath, I have definitely had my fair share of holidays like this and was unaware of how to cope most years. Now armed with knowledge from spirit, this year I have compiled a list of things we can do to turn within and find ways to be gentle with ourselves this holiday season and meet 2019 with joy, peace and renewed sense of self and discovery.

Unplug: These days we live in a social media powered world. Don’t get me wrong, it has many benefits but I feel like we have forgotten how we lived WITHOUT it. It creates many unnecessary stressors for many people. We could all greatly benefit from unplugging from social media devices for at least 2-4 hours per day. That includes texting and facebook as well as television. This is something I truly struggle with, but I know the more that I unplug, the more that I rediscover my center. 

 Meditate:  Before learning that I was an empath I would soak up other peoples energies like a sponge. I wasn’t really aware of the benefits of meditation and quite frankly my “monkey mind” made it difficult for me to do so. I Started by dedicating 5-10 minutes each morning and evening to sitting in a comfortable, quiet location where I could work on gathering my thoughts, focusing on my breathing and detaching from anyone and anything I was involved with that day or setting intentions for the day ahead.

Fresh Air: Many people are not getting enough vitamin D these days. Even spending 20 minutes per day outside can greatly improve our mood and sense of well being. Nature is the best medicine. We all have this deep connection with nature but we allow it to pass us by, choosing to live our lives online and inside instead. 

 Gentle Exercise: Make it a habit to move a little this holiday season. I personally enjoy spending 30-45 minutes per day getting outside for walks with my dog. It improves circulation, gets rid of tension, boosts my mood and yes…helps me to keep in shape. Make sure you love the exercise you are doing and it will never become a chore.

Moderation: The holidays can be a time for lots of sugar filled treats and just “too much” in general. As a recovering binge eater I have learned that this is the best time to practice moderation rather than being a stone wall. Allow yourself your favorite treat  and don’t beat yourself up over it. In the same respect, don't feel bad for saying no to Aunt Bessies cookies!  Drink lots of water and herbal tea to fill your tummy up and just be mindful of what goes in. Don’t forget the probiotics! It’s important to replenish your good gut bacteria while indulging. Dive back into your regular healthy routine on the next day or even the next meal.

  Say No and be ok with it: This is a difficult one but in the end necessary for ones sanity. Recently I did a poll on facebook asking people what their number one stressor was during the holiday months. Over 33 percent said that family gatherings and splitting up their time between two families was something major and caused the bulk of the worries. Well, I’m here to tell you that you are not a glass that can be broken into a zillion pieces. If your families cannot work with the times and locations then you have to set boundaries and stick to them. Don’t spend time with those who suck the energy out of you and don’t feel bad for saying no to certain “obligations”.

   Fill Your Cup: Spend time with those who fill your cup, add a little extra sunshine into your life and help to restore your soul. Reconnect with good friends and amazing conversation face to face. These are the people you want to be linking arms with into 2019.

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