Sunday, November 25, 2018

Going with the Flow

Good evening friends and happy Sunday.

Well things are all a go around the Dietrich home lately. We have been busy bees getting our Christmas decor out and attending family gatherings galore. I love the Christmas season. It's the one thing that has remained a constant source of happiness for me even while growing up. No matter what shit we were going through everyone stopped being dickheads around the holidays. lol.

I used to get all worked up because of all of the FOOD, FOOD, FOOD. I guess some of the anxiety is still there always will be. I'm learning how to breathe that back out into the collective. It's not good to bottle that up and hold onto it. My food choices have been a little willy nilly lately but my weight is still maintaining or going down which is great. I am learning and practicing going with the flow of things. The leak soup update really set me up nicely!  Still keeping on track with my 100 pound weight loss goal!Yesterday I had a honking slice of Hawaiian pizza and today at my nieces birthday party I had delicious burger, homemade potato salad as well as cake and icecream.  I would likely feel better with less sugar and gluten (I KNOW my body and what makes it feel good) but cest la vie. 

I came across this post via instagram stories from Candace Cameron Bure (actress from Full House and Fuller House) and it really resonated with me so I thought I would share it with you all! I used to really beat myself up up over the holidays rather than allow myself to just take it all in and enjoy it and  get back to my regular scheduled routine the following day. Instead it was a downward spiral for me. Thankfully...for the most part, it's not usually like that anymore. I do have my moments, though. 

Look at this beautiful cake my sister in law made! I couldn't say no ;) 

In other news, I received the loveliest message today from a reader...and it really made me feel like I'm doing something right for once in my life. To know that I'm not alone in this life long struggle and that others have experienced the same kind of things that I have. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather nobody go through it....but it's nice to not be the only one. It also makes me want to write more, share more, put our heads together and get through this life together! Going forward I will try to share more of my daily food choices, thoughts, struggles, weight loss, physical pursuits and more.

Peace out everyone ...have a wonderful Sunday evening. 

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Repressed Emotions

Hello blog world... I seem to have tons of thoughts flowing through me at the moment and the best way I can get them out is to write! Hope...

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